Emma Stokes, class of 1986
Emma Stokes, class of 1986 is the next in our #HumansOfMuckross series 💚
" I loved school. I think I thought I would miss the friendships but I’ve been so lucky, I still see my friends from Muckross. In fact, 2 of them – Hilary Griffey & Suzanne Tucker are visiting me here in Doha in March. I served on the board of management at Muckross a few years ago so I still really feel connected & my god daughter Réiltín O'Hagan & her sister Iseult O'Hagan are both current students so I hear all the news "
" The ‘back field’, I was a runner so I loved when the days got longer, the smell of the freshly cut grass & the athletics started "
" [I loved] the choir. Anne Maguire was inspirational & stretched our singing. There is such a joy in singing with a group of people. When I finally come home, I will join the past pupils choir. My abiding memory is singing ‘Lift thine eyes’ [this isn't us but it may trigger some memories for people] "
FUN FACT: Emma has taught & lectured in over 40 countries worldwide. Amazing!
" [Currently], I am on leave from my academic position in Trinity College Dublin. I moved to Doha last August as I am setting up the first physiotherapy degree program in the State of Qatar. I serve as the President of the Global Physiotherapy Organisation – the World Confederation for PT. I love my work. And I am an aunt of two wonderful nieces & a god mother to fabulous young women "
Advice for your 18 year old self:
" Don’t be so hard on yourself – shush that inner critic. You will need to be courageous, responsible & imaginative and you will be. You will, despite what you think, rise to the occasion. You are enough "
Truly inspiring stuff, Emma. Thanks a lot for sharing!
Who else is a physiotherapist? Anybody also in The Middle East? ☀️
#veritas #muckalum #pastpupils #connections #stayintouch #greenstorm#mppu #muckrossparkcollege #muckross #schooldays #globalpt #physio#qatar
📸: @littleviling – carolynsilvernail.com